Play Therapy for Preschool Children
Charles E. Schaefer Price: LE 650
Condition: New
Out of Stock
Play Therapy for Preschool Children is a comprehensive sourcebook of play interventions for preventing and resolving the most common disorders of children aged 3-5 years old. |
Playing around
Richard Neville Price: LE 36
Condition: As New
Out of Stock
New |
Practical First Aid
Dorling Kindersley Price: LE 90
Condition: New
Out of Stock
Rare book |
Principles of Stress Management
Vera Peiffer Price: LE 31
Condition: Good
Out of Stock
Whether you are a perfectionist, ambitious, anxious or a stimulus-seeking person, this book will be an invaluable eye-opener that will help you deal with stress positively. |
Punished by Rewards: The Trouble with Gold Stars, Incentive Plans, A's, Praise, and Other Bribes
Alfie Kohn Price: LE 135
Condition: New
Out of Stock
The basic strategy we use for raising children, teaching students, and managing workers can be summarized in six words: Do this and you'll get that. We dangle goodies (from candy bars to sales ... |
Race Against Time: Searching for Hope in AIDS-Ravaged Africa (CBC Massey Lecture)
Stephen Lewis Price: LE 76
Condition: As New
Out of Stock
In 2000, the United Nations laid out a series of eight goals meant to guide humankind in the new century. Called the Millennium Development Goals, these targets are to be met by 2015 and are to ... |
Raising Cain: Protecting the Emotional Life of Boys
Dan Kindlon Price: LE 150
Condition: New
Out of Stock
RealAge: Are You as Young as You Can Be?
Michael F. Roizen Price: LE 46
Condition: Good
Out of Stock
What is aging? Aging is not a mysterious metaphysical phenomenon. Aging happens in the particulars. Your arteries become clogged. Your arthritis flares up. Age is not just a chronological ... |
Reflexology & Acupressure: A Pyramid Health Paperback (Pyramid Series)
Janet Wright Price: LE 70
Condition: New
Out of Stock
Reflexology and acupressure stem from the science of pressure points and are popular drug-free, hands-on therapies that complement orthodox medicine and have practical ... |
Reiki: Simple Routines for Home, Work and Travel
Tanmaya Honervogt Price: LE 60
Condition: New
Out of Stock
Learn how to transfer healing life energy onto your family, friends, or even yourself with this easy to use guide. Step-by step instructions will help you discover the power in your hands that will ... |