The Postmodern Condition
Jean-François Lyotard Price: LE 1670
Condition: New
Out of Stock
Many definitions of postmodernism focus on its nature as the aftermath of the modern industrial age when technology developed dynamically. In The Postmodern Condition Jean-Francois Lyotard extends ... |
The Poverty of Historicism (Routledge Classics) (Volume 88)
Karl Popper Price: LE 270
Condition: New
Out of Stock
On its publication in 1957, The Poverty of Historicism was hailed by Arthur Koestler as 'probably the only book published this year which will outlive the century.' A devastating ... |
The Power of Myth
Joseph Campbell Price: LE 41
Condition: Good
Out of Stock
The national bestseller, now available in a non-illustrated, standard format paperback edition  The Power of Myth launched an extraordinary resurgence of interest in ... |
The Problems of Philosophy (Opus Books)
Bertrand Russell Price: LE 86
Condition: Good
Out of Stock
98p paperback, very good |
The Romantic Manifesto: A Philosophy of Literature; Revised Edition (Signet Shakespeare)
Ayn Rand Price: LE 275
Condition: New
Out of Stock
In this beautifully written and brilliantly reasoned book, Ayn Rand throws a new light on the nature of art and its purpose in human life. Once again Miss Rand eloquently demonstrates her ... |
The Rosicrucians. Their Rites and Mysteries
Hargrave Jennings Price: LE 155
Condition: New
Out of Stock
This book, purports to be a history of the famous Order of the “Rose-Cross,” or of the “Rosicrucians.” No student of the occult philosophy need, however, fear that we shall not most carefully ... |
The Science Delusion
Rupert Sheldrake Price: LE 725
Condition: New
Out of Stock
The Science Delusion is the belief that science already understands the nature of reality. The fundamental questions are answered, leaving only the details to be filled in. In this book (published in ... |
The Sickness Unto Death
Soren Kierkegaard Price: LE 350
Condition: New
Out of Stock
Influencing philosophers such as Sartre and Camus, and still strikingly modern in its psychological insights, Kierkegaard’s The Sickness Unto Death explores the concept of ‘despair’ as a symptom of ... |
The Social Contract (Wordsworth Classics of World Literature)
Jean-Jacques Rousseau Price: LE 250
Condition: New
Out of Stock
In The Social Contract Rousseau (1712-1778) argues for the preservation of individual freedom in political society. An individual can only be free under the law, he says, by voluntarily embracing ... |
The Story of Philosophy: A History of Western Thought
James Garvey,, Jeremy Stangroom Price: LE 120
Condition: New
Out of Stock
The Story of Philosophy sees philosophy for what it is: a passionate, exhilarating quest for human understanding that cannot be reduced to dry categories or simple definitions. It's a story with plot ... |