You, on a Diet: The Owner's Manual for Waist Management
Mehmet C. Oz, Michael F. Roizen Price: LE 91
Condition: As New
In Stock
Provides advice, an eating plan, and exercises designed to help people achieve a sustained loss of abdominal fat and live a healthier life.
Title: You on a Diet
Author: Oz, Mehmet, M.D./ Roizen, ... |
7 Lbs in 7 Days: The Juice Master Diet
Jason Vale Price: LE 135
Condition: New
Out of Stock
Lose up to 7lbs in 7 days with The Juice Master Jason Vale's ultra-fast 1-week super juice cleanse. The man who helped Jordan to get her post-baby body back has designed a healthy and effective ... |
A-Z colour guide to dieting
Francis Haste Price: LE 31
Condition: Very Good
Out of Stock
Allen Carr's Easyweigh to Lose Weight
Allen Carr Price: LE 31
Condition: Very Good
Out of Stock
paperback |
Almost Vegetarian: A Primer for Cooks Who Are Eating Vegetarian Most of the Time, Chicken & Fish Some of the Time, & Altogether Well All of the Time
Diana Shaw Price: LE 41
Condition: Very Good
Out of Stock
A spirited, reliable, nondogmatic primer with more than 130 recipes for the ever-growing number of people who are eating and cooking semi-vegetarian fare. Offers everything from Chunky Lentil Soup ... |
Atkins Made Easy : The First 2 Weeks
Atkins Health, Medical Information Services Price: LE 31
Condition: Good
Out of Stock
The Dr Atkins book which makes it really easy for those revolutionizing their weight and their health with the programme. It answers all your questions and dispells the myths. This 2 week starter ... |
Be Slim, Be Fit
Rosemary Conley Price: LE 36
Condition: Good
Out of Stock
Based on her weekly column in "Yes" Magazine ("The People"), this book is Rosemary Conley's guide to getting slim and fit, and staying that way. As well as full exercise plans for different areas of ... |
Beyond Atkins: A Healthier, More Balanced Approach to a Low Carbohydrate Way of Eating
Price: LE 41
Condition: Very Good
Out of Stock
Dr Doug believes you have the absolute right to health and happiness. That's why his Total Health plan has inspired and enlightened thousands. The TOTAL HEALTH programme combines a protein-rich, ... |
Breaking the Vicious Cycle: Intestinal Health Through Diet
Elaine Gottschall Price: LE 800
Condition: New
Out of Stock
Provides information on the relationship between food and such disorders as Crohn's disease, diverticulitis, and celiac disease, and offers a collection of recipes following the principles of the ... |
Course in Weight Loss: 21 Spiritual Lessons for Surrendering Your Weight Forever
Marianne Williamson Price: LE 140
Condition: New
Out of Stock
For so many people, whether your addiction is to a substance or merely to a certain way of thinking or acting, a profound humbling occurs when you realise that your problem is bigger than you are. ... |