The Hidden Connections : A Science for Sustainable Living
Fritjof Capra Price: LE 41
Condition: Good
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Fritjof Capra, bestselling author of The Tao of Physics and The Web of Life, here explores another frontier in the human significance of scientific ideas—applying complexity ... |
The Power of Myth
Joseph Campbell Price: LE 41
Condition: Good
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The national bestseller, now available in a non-illustrated, standard format paperback edition The Power of Myth launched an extraordinary resurgence of interest in ... |
Think: A Compelling Introduction to Philosophy
Simon Blackburn Price: LE 41
Condition: As New
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Here at last is a coherent, unintimidating introduction to the challenging and fascinating landscape of Western philosophy. Written expressly for "anyone who believes there are big questions out ... |
Great Ideas V On Liberty (Penguin Great Ideas)
John Stuart Mill Price: LE 45
Condition: New
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In one of the most influential philosophical works ever writer, John Stuart Mill explores the risks and responsibilities of liberty. Examining the tyranny that can come both from government and from ... |
Great Ideas V On Conspiracies (Penguin Great Ideas)
Machiavelli Price: LE 45
Condition: New
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Machiavelli is one of the most famous strategists of all time. In this collection he discusses the dangers of conspiracies, and the component parts of an army, vital for gaining and holding power in ... |
Great Ideas V the Perpetual Race of Achilles and the Tortoise (Penguin Great Ideas)
Jorge Luis Borges Price: LE 45
Condition: New
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In this collection of wise, witty and fascinating essays, Borges discusses the existence (or non-existence) of Hell, the flaws in English literary detectives, the philosophy of contradictions, and ... |
Averroes: His Life, Work and Influence (Great Islamic Writings)
Majid Fakhry Price: LE 46
Condition: As New
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This book provides a comprehensive overview of the life, times, and achievements of Averroes, a twelfth-century Muslim philosopher whose ideas were so controversial that his books were burnt not ... |
Six Thinking Hats
Edward De Bono Price: LE 46
Condition: As New
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"Six Thinking Hats" is a de Bono classic, used by businessmen worldwide to develop techniques of creative thinking in the boardroom. "The Six Hats" method aims to make the fullest use of everyone's ... |
Great Ideas V the Tao of Nature (Penguin Great Ideas)
Zhuangzi Price: LE 50
Condition: New
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Chuang Tzu examines the nature of existence in these dialogues and essays, from the battle to grasp the purpose of life to the search for knowledge. A collection of some of the most absorbing and ... |
On Dreams (The Standard Edition) (Complete Psychological Works of Sigmund Freud)
Sigmund Freud, Price: LE 50
Condition: New
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Aware that his Interpretation of Dreams was a long and difficult book, Freud decided that he must offer a version that would be briefer and easier to follow. On ... |